


Our Products

The care and commitment in cultivating these products stems from our respect of the countryside and its life-cycles. Our farm proudly continues the crop rotation methods of the ancient traditions.

The philosophy of our endeavors also mirrors the cultivation of our organic products. From a long-standing farming tradition, we set the goal of preserving the biodiversity that once naturally grew in our fields by seeking out old varieties of seeds of both wheat and emmer, chickpeas, lentils, beans and chickling vetch, which have always characterized the typical products of Poreta. Olive oils produced by stoned monocultivar olives from organic agriculture of Villa della Genga are our key products.

Adopt an Olive Tree
Another theme under way is "remote adoption of our olive trees" which allows our customers to choose and rent one or more olive trees and then obtain their own olive oil.


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Consorzio Le Terre di Poreta
Fraz. Poreta | 06049 Spoleto - T. +39 0743.274137 - F. +39 0743.274171 - info@leterrediporeta.it
P.iva 02941700540 | REA PG-252151 | leterrediporeta@pec.it - Privacy Policy - Cookies Policy

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