


Foligno - km 21

Foligno was an important Roman station on the Via Flaminia, and is on the river Topino. The old town, which is still partly surrounded by medieval walls, holds important monuments. The Duomo, dedicated to San Feliciano, first martyr bishop, still bears the date of construction -1133- although its present outline is the result of works from 1700 to 1800 designed by local architect Giuseppe Piermarini.
Places worth visiting are the thirteenth-century church of San Domenico, the Church of Santa Maria Infraportas, and Palazzo Trinci, home of Ugolino Trinci, lord of the town from 1389 to 1407. Today it houses the Archaeological Museum and the Municipal Art Gallery.
A beautiful historical event called the Giostra della Quintana is held on the second and third Sundays of September. Ladies and gentlemen parade wearing traditional costumes dating back to the fourteenth century, and 10 horsemen, representing the 10 districts of the city, face off in the spectacular jousting tournament giostra dell'anello.


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